Friday, September 27, 2013


I broke two longstanding rules on this project.  For thirty five years I did not give price on phone and I did not work on someone else's panels.  However all turned out well, since I love doing this type of work and no paint pulled away from the panel.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rip's Adventure

     For days, it seemed, they slowly moved through the stream of time.  There was really no way to tell if they were there for minutes, days or years.  No one said much,  all were trying to forget what they had witnessed.  Just trying to sort out what was happening to them.  Mike stopped on the side of the tunnel where a lot of activity was taking place.  There were hundreds of souls entering into the tunnel.  It was a steady stream of dirty, starved and naked people with hardly any meat on their bones.  All had a look of hopelessness and despair in their faces and broken and bent bodies.  All were choking and coughing, relieved to be breathing again.
     "Corporal, this is your door."  Mike said almost with relief to be rid of Corporal Shirah.  Shirah stepped forward, eager for the new adventure that awaited him.  As the portal opened, they could see several sets of train tracks, converging into one spot.  A sign over the tracks proclaimed "Aushwitz".  Shirah was beside himself.  He had not felt this excited for a long time.  He felt that he could go in and kill and maim people as Jack had done and come back in again.
     "Shirah, this is where we say goodbye."  Mike stated.  "It has taken us years to try and change you, but we were unsuccessful.  You are still one of the most evil beings to have ever lived.  Your name was changed in here to protect you while we had you in custody.  However when you enter into your own time, you will revert to your own name.  In here you had a chance to do great things because of your charisma , but your ego and  ambition got in the way.  When you enter, you will be known as Hitler."
     Hitler gave an evil grin, shot them a bird and stepped through into infamy.
     "Good riddance!" exclaimed Jack.  And they all agreed.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


As they cont8inued forward the tunnel cleared up and became smooth again.  They could other groups going by in a blur, not clear enough to make out any details.  They were caught up in different currents of time. 
     "Don't worry about them," said Mike, there are millions of people and guides in here at any given time."
  It seemed like an enormous time had passed when Mike stopped.  "Are any of you tired and hungry? he asked.
     "Yeah!"  was the chorus.
     As they followed Mike through the side of the tunnel, they entered a large dining hall.  There were hundreds of people sitting around eating, drinking and making merry.
     "This is a safe house and we will rest here for a while."  informed Mike.
     As they sat down, the waiter came over to take their order.  All of them ordered Jack Daniels bourbon and tried to forget the last few days.  Tom and Rip looked around and saw a couple of women sitting in a nearby booth.  They walked over and struck up a conversation with them.  Rip ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels and they got acquainted.  Evidently the women had been lonely for a while also.
     Jack was afraid of women and steered clear of them.  He was becoming increasingly depressed by this.  The fact that Corporal Shirah had removed his legs did not help.  His depression was beginning to turn to anger and was directed to everyone.  Mike could sense this and knew that he had to take him home soon.  He did not like what was going to happen but there was nothing he could do to stop it.  After all he had his orders.
     "Come on gang, time to go." and Mike got up to leave.  As they left the safe room Jack felt a sense of foreboding.  It was if he knew he was loosing his friends and would never see them again.  He did wish that he had the courage to beat the shit out of the Corporal for what he had done, but he did not.  He would regret that for the rest of his life.
     "Here you are Jack, right back where you stared." said Mike with apprehension.  "Go through the door and we will wait for you.  Don't forget where you went in."
     Jack opened the door and stepped into Whitechapel London, in 1988.  Jack was not surprised.  It was just as he remembered it.  A dark street with just a few gaslights casting shadows all around.  A creepy place that would bring panic to someone not used to it.  Then he saw her walking out of the shadows headed his way.
     "Hey stranger" she tried to be cheerful, but Jack's appearance made that impossible.  A small thin man with a long body and short legs and arms did not bring forth the usual "Hey handsome" that other John's got.
     That incensed Jack and he reached out instinctively with his long knife and sliced her throat.  The blood gushed everywhere.  It struck Jack in the face and mouth and he drank it down as quick as he could.  This drove him wild and he cut her from the throat to her crotch.  The gurgling of blood from her slit throat made him giddy with excitement.  He had an immediate hard on and came in his pants.  He liked it.  The smell of her opened bowels was like a drug and he could not get enough.  He took his knife and sliced off her breasts,  Rubbing them on his face the blood oozed onto his skin.  When the nipple entered his mouth he came again.  Her screams mixed with his sexual grunts had cause a commotion.  As neighbors came rushing him with pitchforks and axes, Jack stumbled backward and landed in the tunnel.
      "Jack, you know you will have to do this several more times."  said Mike.
      "I can't wait! exclaimed Jack.
     Rip and Orson were devastated by what their friend had done.  Corporal Shirah was as excited as Jack and his face was flushed red with sexual excitement.  Tom was disgusted and angry.  He had seen enough killing in the war.  He didn't like it then and he certainly did not like this.
     "Mike, can't we keep him in the tunnel with us until he gets over this spell he is under? asked Tom
     "We  can and will, but he will escape from time to time."
      They turned and walked up the tunnel.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rip's Adventure (continuing)

Mike walked over to Jack and wrapped him in an odd looking blanket for a few moments.  The blood stopped and Jack's face began to look better.  The life was coming back into him.  When Mike pulled the blanket off him, his wounds were healed, but his legs were still gone.
     "Looks like I will have to learn to walk like the rest of you now." he said. 
     Mike turned to walk off and the five followed him.  The air was alive with the crackle of electrical charges and the visual field was fractured.  After a few steps, everything cleared up.  They were in a light filled tunnel that stretched out as far as they could see.  The height was taller than even the mightiest of Oaks.  It seemed that all sound was muffled and movement was at a stand still.  Moving was easy and effortless, but in slow motion.  The effect was dizzying to Rip and he had to stop for a moment and squat with his head between his knees.  The others were glad for that short break.  They could clear their heads without being the weak one.
     "What is this place?" Jack asked.
     "Yeah?" chimed in Rip
    "This is a planetary highway,"  answered Mike, "In here we can cover vast distances in little or no time."
     "How does that work?" asked Orson.
    "In here time is like a river, fluid and alive.  If you know how to navigate it, and I do, you can go into the past, present or future."  replied Mike.  "The possibilities are endless.  The past, present or future have infinite dimensions, depending on where we go in or out."
     As they walked and talked, they noticed the side gradually change from smooth & shiny conduit to a rough and broken rock wall with steep broken fissures running up and down.  They began to hear children crying and screaming.  When they looked up they could see them being thrown over the cliffs.  Some were able to slide down the fissures, but most were not in control at all.  As they hit the bottom there were broken bones and death.  The ones left alive screamed as others were thrown over. 
     "Keep your heads down and don't look up!" exclaimed Mike.
     "Why?" they all asked in unison.
     "That is pure evil up there, and if those spirits see you, I can't protect you."
     Tom could not help himself.  Those poor kids needed help and he was gonna give it.  He was not at all prepared for what he saw at the summit.  There were three of them looking at him.  One was white faced in a black robe and hood.  The hatred in his red eyes was undeniable.  The other was red with no clothes at all.  For a moment Tom felt a sense of relief, but that died away when he saw the evil black eyes.  Then he could see that the third was a mix of the other two.  They were all one, joined together at the chest.  The air was dark and thick around them smelling of sulfur and making it hard to breathe.  Tom felt fear for the first time in his life and he did not like it.
    "I'll be right back." he said in a determined voice.
    He started up the steep hill.  It was easy going at first, so he felt pretty good.  About three quarters of the way up the rocks turned into loose sand.  The beast was sitting like a vulture, looking at him in astonishment.  No one had ever tried to reach them before, and this was making them nervous.  Almost within reach of the summit, the loose sand became slippery mud that sucked his feet down. Tom was in a struggle for his life now.  Heroically he pulled himself up and onto the hard surface at the top of the cliff.  The beast threw evil at him with all they had.  Tom ducked, jumped, bounced and dodged it all without getting hit.  The more they missed, the more that they tried.  Years of inactivity had made them slow in movement and that worked to Tom's advantage.  He grabbed a stone and hurled it with all his might.  The stone struck the beast in the chest where they were all joined together.  The sudden jolt startled the three headed beast.  The surrounding air went dark and lightening struck at Tom's feet knocking him to the bottom of the cliff.  When he awoke, the beast was gone.     Mike and the others rushed over to offer him help.
     "Are you ok?" asked Rip.
     "Yeah, just let me get my shit pulled back into a pile."
     "I have never seen anything like that in my life!" exclaimed Mike with wonder in his voice.  "You are indeed a credit to your warrior race."
      "Thanks Mike, Where did they go?"
     "I don't know, but I'm sure they will be back."
     "Let's help the kids."  said Orson.
     When they looked around, the kids could not be found anywhere.
     "Let's hope thy don't encounter the beast again.  Looks like they have  been trapped here for a while going over and over this trap."  said Mike.
     "Let's get the hell out of here!" exclaimed Corporal Shirah.
     "Don't be in such a hurry Corporal." said Mike.  "Where you are going is a hell of a lot worse.  For you and Millions of others."
     Corporal Shirah was a afraid to ask any questions.  Little did he know that Mike was telling the truth and not just trying to frighten him.  What does Mike know, he thought to himself?