Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mule Shoe

This is a project that I took on, which is out of the ordinary for me.  I have done a few carving projects over the years, but mostly I do sandblasted wood signs.  This customer had this 42x84x4 inch piece of cypress, that he bought at auction.  A long time ago I tried to sandblast cypress, but it was a waste of time.  The only way to do this wood was to carve it.  I made the mallet out of a 2x4, I have a factory made one, but it is too heavy.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Lord is my Shepherd

I painted this 24x36 inch painting with oils.  I also painted myself getting anointed.  The enemy at the table is someone that I am very familiar with.  This rendition of the 23 Psalm embodies my idea of salvation.