Tuesday, February 23, 2016



This morning, it happened just like it has for the last few months. It is 3:33 in the morning and I have been awake for a few minutes now.  My heart is not racing, but it is pumping pretty fast.  It never fails for me to wake at that moment every night, if I take a sleep aid or not.  If I go to bed early or late, no matter.
     Off in the distance I can hear the old number 284 train coming up the tracks.  I can hear the horn first as it enters Ashford, a couple of miles away. Long, low and lonesome the air horn shatters the silence of the still night. It shakes the moisture of the fog on the leaves so that it drops to the ground like a soft rain.  Slowly, it comes upon the next three crossings and the horn gets louder and louder, almost like the trumpet of God.  Then I can hear the rumbling of the train, metal upon metal, bearings squealing and clanging and the breaking of the wind.  Almost like a band of angry banshees, the noise of the train is deafening.  As it passes into the distance, the sound of the banshees diminish and there is just a low rumbling left fading of into the distance.  Then all I can hear is the horn at each crossing and then even that is gone.  I lay there awake for a few moments enjoying the silence and knowing that in an hour it will start up again.
     tonight I realize for the first time that old 284 is running parallel to  my life.  As I was born, so was my passage on the train, I don't remember either one, but I have always been alive and always on that train.  I can look back at the beginning and not see it,  however I can look to the end and see it.  I will die, if not raptured by my savior first, but that old train will continue on, even to the throne of God, however long that takes.  I am not the only passenger of course.  The track has only one direction, from here to there.  In the beginning, I was just an innocent child, traveling with some very fine parents, who taught me of Jesus and His saving grace.  As an adolescent, I rebelled against what was right, but I couldn't get off the train.  Thank God for that.  None of us are able to get too far off the rails, for o one is left behind, you either get to the promised land or you go to hell.  The choice is yours, but you can't get off the train until your ticket is punched, and no one knows when that will be.
     That train will carry you through all the slices of life.  Some will be good, some will be downright awful.  I have been in some good ones in the past, but now I am in one of the worst.  I can't wait for this one to pass and to enter into a good one again.  Just like this old train we are always moving forward.  the past  is receding further away and the future is always in sight and I am excited for what comes next.  I have been told by God Himself that I will spend eternity with my grandkids and as I said, I can hardly wait.  Coming up I can see some dark times coming.  The light of this world will be taken away when the church will be taken out along with the Holy Spirit.  The resulting darkness will be so thick and oppressive that one will have a hard time breathing.  The resulting chaos will be so bad that God said he will have to shorten the days or else no one will be left alive.  I can't tell you the day, but I can tell you the time.  When you see Israel sign a peace treaty that allows her to rebuild the temple there are seven years left.  The peace treaty is just a ruse to take advantage of Israel.  In forty two months after the temple is finished, the Anti-Christ sets himself up in the temple as god, believing that he is god.  He will have the help of the false prophet.  If you do not take his mark and worship him, the false prophet will have you killed.  If you do take the mark, you will be damned forever.  From that time until the return of Christ is another forty two months.
     When Christ returns with His holy saints He will be clothed in white, with His name written on his thighs.  King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He will defeat the false prophet and the Anti-Christ with a sharp two-edged sword proceeding out of His mouth.  The false prophet along with the anti-Christ will be thrown into  the lake of fire.  Satan will bound with chains and thrown into the bottomless pit for a thousand years.  MY God, My God, My God, arms outstretched to heaven, what a glorious God.

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