Monday, December 18, 2017


     Son of a bitch!  Here I go down to the pit of despair again.  It took sixty six years to escape from here.  I thought the war was over, but no.  A year later I am attacked again.  I got too close to the edge and the enemy sucked me right back in.  I knew better, but confidence can be a cruel mistress.  Knew better than to get within a mile of this pit, but I walked up to the edge and peered over.  No way was the dark one going to pass up an opportunity like that.  He reached up and with his bony stinking hand, knocked my feet out from under me.  Did I mention that he was that quick and that I was that slow?  I fell on my butt and slid down the slippery slope.  I rung the hole of the pit and fell for what seemed an eternity.
     The only reason that I did not shatter when I hit bottom, was that the floor of the dark stinking hole was covered in wet crap several feet deep.  I gathered my wits about me and figured which way was up and climbed my way up out of the crap.  I was covered in it with it being in my ears, nose and mouth.  Over against the slimy rock wall was a ladder reaching almost to the top.  If I could get to the top of the ladder, I could get a firm grip and climb the rest of the way out.  I waded through the waist deep crap and was exhausted when I reached the ladder.  It was a foot out of reach.  At my age jumping is a chore in the best of conditions.  On top of being exhausted, how can you jump out of crap that is almost as deep as you are tall?  I tried, tried and tried, but it was impossible.  Exhausted, I sat down to rest, no lay down and wallowed in the shit.  I was covered in it anyway, might as well revel in it.
     After resting for a while, I got the bright idea of stacking the slick stinking crap.  It was like stacking mud, but after a long while some of it began to stick.  I got enough of it together to raise me up.  I stretched out and grabbed the bottom of the ladder.  I was so tired I could barely climb, but I knew this was my only chance.  If I did not make it this time, I was stuck here forever.  I sucked it up, gave it my all and away I went to the top.  As my hands grabbed the dry land outside, the rung  under my feet broke.  No way in my condition, could I hold on and down I went into the dark pit again.
     As I lay there in deep despair I cried and cried.  I could hear others around me, there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.  I heard a low guttural moan that increased in loudness and sadness, it engulfed me before I realized it was me.  Not only was my body exhausted, my mind was totally spent.  Nothing but gloom and despair was in this pit with no hope of ever escaping again.  The only way of escape was to commit suicide, but what if the outcome was worse than this?  It is a hard thing for a man to be without family or friends.  It seems that everyone has turned their back.
     I fell on my knees and begged God to send His Son to rescue me out of this terrible place.  At that moment I felt a quiet, calm peace envelope me.  I heard a gentle reassuring voice, "I have been wanting to help you for years.  I will be your daughters, your brother and your friend.  I will never leave you, now come on and let's clean you up."

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