Friday, January 6, 2012

The End of Hell part 5

     It was unusually busy today.  Try as I might, there was no sleep to use as an escape.  I could hear long wailing screams, starting off in the far distance, getting louder and closer.  The scream finally touched my ears, hesitated for a moment, raced through my ear drum and exploded into my brain.  The pain is intense, red hot and unbearable.  Just as I think I will lose consciousness, the sharp pain in my foot revived me.  I had been so focused on the scream, that I did not hear the click-clack of sharp pointed feet on the hard rock floor, sneaking up on me.  In a split second the beast stomped on my soft foot with his hard, sharp, pointed heel.  It nailed me to the hard slick rock.
     I had begun to relive some happier times, but hell would have none of that.  There was no escape today.  I tried to move my foot away from the pain, but it was no use.  The pain almost made me pass out.  The more I struggled, the more intense it became.  As I settled down, the sharpness subsided, leaving me with just a dull ache.  I guess the beast grew tired, for I could hear and feel him stir.  He removed his heel from my foot and hurriedly scurried off.  I should be relieved, but I am not.  He was just getting out of the way of a more formidable entity.
     This one I could see, for he had an eerie orange aura around him, and his eyes were glowing with a neon green light.  With the light he was giving off I could see my surroundings.  It was a death pit, with the bones of lost souls, reflecting the orange and green light.  It sent chills through my body.  He did not know that I had spotted him.  As he was sneaking up on me, the putrid smell of death, was making it difficult to act nonchalant.  Nausea and fear swept over me as he came closer.  As he touched me, I swung around with the chain wrapped around my hand.  The weight of the chain and the energy of my spin, caught him off guard.  I connected with him on the lower left jaw.  All the energy continued on it's upward motion to his brain and knocked his ass out.  I knew that I was in deep dookey when he woke up.  I needed help.
     For years I had prayed continuously for help in this situation.  I always thought that He would answer, but I was impatient.  I guess that I was finally ready for help and this time He decided to answer me.  "You have wallowed in self-pity for four years now.  You have tried to fix this problem by yourself and that showed a lack of faith.  Charles, you have done all that you can, now I will take care of it."  At that time, He allowed  me to hear those wonderful words "Grandpa".  For four years, I had not heard those words or seen those children.  In a vision from Him, I saw that we were back together again.  All this worry, self-pity and depression gained not a thing.  Just a colossal waste of time.  With these words and revelation, the chains were loosed, the darkness replaced by light and the walls disappeared.  At that moment hell dissolved and with His help will not return again.

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