Friday, March 20, 2015

Joshua's Revenge

   In my previous post, I made fun of God telling Joshua that he was old.  Evidently Joshua heard about it and was not that amused.  Last week I climbed onto my backhoe, heard a rifle shot and my leg buckled under me.  Well Jason finally got the nerve to shoot me.  However it was a torn tendon in the back of my knee.  What a relief. 
     The vision in my left eye was messing up and the doctor told me that I had a wrinkle on the inside of my eyeball. How Joshua must have laughed, and I don't blame him.  You know you are getting old when you get wrinkles on the inside of your eyeball.  I also had high pressure in the left eye due to a stopped up drain hole.  Monday I went back to see what to do about that.  Before I left for my appointment, after a visit to the toilet I threw my back out after trying to pull up my pants.  Nothing like back pain to make you forget about a torn tendon in your knee.  Pain makes you feel alive, so until I pass on I guess that I will be full of life.
     After the exam, the doc told me, "We are going to take you back and do surgery on your right eye."   "Doc it was my left eye," and pointed to my left eye.  "Your right eye is 98% blocked and if it stops up completely, you will be blind in a matter of hours.  You will come back Friday to do the left eye."  So Joshua, I still think it is hilarious what God told you, but I have a little more respect for you now.

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