Monday, November 7, 2016

My opinon on the election

Sheila Miller Sims asked me what I thought about this election. I told her, for us, everythig has been hard. Both of us work our butts off, do without and don't take vacations. Seems as if, like a lot of others, if we want anything it's a struggle to obtain it. That's no one's fault, just the way it is. But now our security is threatened if Clinton is elected. The democrats can lie, cheat steal and threaten but if their candidate is not elected, they will still be fine. If, however, Clinton is elected, then the other half of us are in dire straits. Our way of life is in jepordy. We pray for life to be easier and for "some" people to have compassion on us. We pray for the corruption to implode on itself. The divide in this country is evident with an impassable gulf between the two halves. Good vs. evil. The current potus has done his job wery well. How is that "change you can believe in" working out?
I noticed that on fb one of my friends Connor Vernon was threatened with an ass whuppin for saying Byonce was a small time tramp. Some guy half his age and professing to be a christian took offense at that. Sorry, but if your wife sticks her butt in the air and you can see the indention in her drawers, she may be a tramp. Then there are peole who party all night and sleep all day on mine and your dime and to me that is truly deplorable. I pray that God will remove the scales from their eyes and the corruption will be evident and repulsive to them as well. I have read the end of the Book and I know who will rule this world for eternity and corruption will have no part in it. Now as to Sheila's question, God is in control and will appoint whom he will. I may not like it, but I will abide by it. We are admonished to pray for our leaders. Right now, I am praying that Hillary will not be it. God bless us, please

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