Friday, October 26, 2018

follow up on question

On facebook a skeptical democrat sarcastically replied, "Please...and no kids were killed at Sandy Hook.  This is my reply to him.
Rergrettably, those children were sacrificed on the alter of globaliazation to convince people to surrender their right to bear arms. That was under an infamous democrat Barrack Bombshell. This did not start with Trump, Obama or the genocide of Jews, American Natives or even the civil war where southern democrats defended slavery. This started, for us 6000 years ago when Adam turned his back on God. It is a battle betwen good and evil. When I sit and cuss the news of the day while watching tv, I can, off in the shadows see satan pleasuring himself with glee, confident that he has won my soul. I just relax, sit back and say, "I am the righteousness of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Satan is immediately rendered impotent and slithers off. There is nothing no thing important in this life except for one. Will you follow God or satan? No thing nothing is more important. As for me and my house, we will follow the lord.

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