Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoons were a special time at grandpa's.  After working hard in the fields all week, he would drag up the yellow metal lawn chairs to the pecan tree.  It sat in the front yard by the dirt road.  He would throw his feet up against the bark, lean back and talk to anyone who was around.  With his outgoing personality, people would gather under the tree to talk and listen.  Every once in a while there would be some 'shine brought to the discussion.  His fields were always the greenest in the area, for when the 'shine flowed the bull shit increased.  His property went downhill from the tree and the bull manure flowed to the edges of his property.  His little investment in the corn squeezing  paid off in the long run.
I painted the gathering around the tree from memory, however I just found this photo of my grandfather relaxing on Sunday afternoon.

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