Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Heading to the Beach

As a child growing up in Headland, Alabama, I was only an hour and a half away from panama City Beach, Florida.  A couple of times a year we would head off to the beach for a night of excitement.  At that time in my life, we would sleep on quilts and blankets on the shore.  We thought nothing of doing that, as we were not by ourselves.  There were several families out there under the stars.  The next morning we would go across the road to the picnic tables and public toilets.  Coming out of the rural south, that was a highlight of my young life.
     When we got older we got to go to the beach with my older brother, Wayne and his friend Abe Bass.  That was a cast of characters. Abe was notorious for drinking beer and carousing with the ladies.  So was Wayne.  At that young age I discovered that I liked the beer pretty well also.  Soon it was my time to go with my own friends and we were excited to be "heading to the beach."  Much as this gull appears to be heading to the beach.  I hope he has as much fun there as we did.

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