Wednesday, August 31, 2016


As I lie in the dark
pain circles me like a shark.
From my knees to my hips,
a low groan escapes my lips.
From my groin to my chest
it is impossible to feel my best.
It is hard not to rebel
as my hands and feet swell.
And my poor back,
it is stretched on the rack.
The pain is so bad,
it will made you so mad.
Evil thoughts in my head abound,
in there nothing good is found.
Even in all this, I plea,
Lord please save me,
from the curse of envy and strife.
Return me to a blessed life.
He heard my prayer and with a shout
entered in and ordered all that junk out.
Now my soul is still
as I strive to live his will.
Alas, I know time will tell,
there are other tests I will fail.
But with His being in me
I will always be part of His family tree.
On my own it is impossible,
but with Him  it is possible.

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